PROJECT 1 Talent Development Actualization
Every child has a talent in one area or another. A talent can be something that a child is born with, but it can also be something that a child learns, develops, and comes to love.
Being talented isn’t about being famous or being the best. And talents are not limited to the most popular areas such as football and music. They exist in every area of life. It’s also important to recognise that talent is not only an end-product but also a process or journey that a child can follow and enjoy.
Parents are in a good position to recognise and help children’s talents to grow. But you can’t force a child to become talented at something that does not fit with their unique personality.
Support them to achieve their full potential by paying attention to their unique interests and fostering them.
The foundation focuses its giving in the following areas that allow for improved quality of life in targeted communities
Current Region of Focus: Mwingi, Kenya
The Mtuals Foundation Inc. is currently focusing its efforts in supporting projects in the marginalized Mwingi,
Kenya. Mwingi lies in the Eastern part of Kenya, in Kitui County. A beautiful landscape surrounded by alluring
hills and inhabited by the hardworking and hospitable Kamba people. It has a 2015 population estimate of
150,179 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) 2009 Census report, spread over an area of 4,770
square kilometres. The area experiences hot and dry climate with unreliable rainfall and high temperatures
throughout the year (ranging from 14°C to 34°C). This region has many challenges that make life difficult for
its inhabitants:
High poverty levels (63% of the population survive on less than $1 a day).
Erratic and unreliable rainfall leading to food insecurity and water scarcity.
Women and children spend in the upwards of 60% of their time in search of water.
Ineffective public mobilization and participation in critical decision making.
High rates of youth unemployment.
Inequitable regional development, marginalized opportunities, and poor infrastructure.
Poor access to already limited HEALTH CARE facilities resulting in lack of basic medical care for the
most common and treatable diseases. Where available, health clinics lack necessary medicines and
health personnel rendering patients helpless. -
Low education performance and low access and adaptation of modern technology.
Sustainable access to water allows people to grow crops and increase their livestock, maybe even beyond the needs of the household.
PROJECT 4 Education
Education for all is a collection of articles that traces the evolution over a quarter-century of a powerful idea: that given well-developed, rigorously evaluated methods and materials, teachers can succeed with virtually all children
PROJECT 3 Exchange Program scholarships
Exchange programs to help participants learn about other cultures, communities, and languages, and develop an appreciation for international collaboration and empathy. They can also help participants gain a better understanding of the world around them and become more engaged in society.
The state of being well, or the condition of the body and how free it is from illness.
It also refers to physical and emotional well-being, especially when the body is functioning normally and free from pain, injury, or disease..
PROJECT 5 Community Empowerment
Community empowerment , A process that gives individuals and groups the ability to participate in decision-making, improve their well-being, and assert their rights. It can also refer to a process that helps communities gain more control over their lives.